Work Better, Together

Discover your core values and build trust, connection and accountability across your team.

Core Values are the principles, standards and expectations that guide your team’s decision-making and behavior.

The problem is that most people don’t know what they are!

Discovering your Core Values will help you and your team drive:

What will you learn by taking this assessment?


What people say about us

Discover your Core Values

Frequently Asked Questions

Are my results confidential?

100% confidential. This is YOUR personal data.
Sands Leadership will use submitted responses to generate the aggregate report of the behaviors and preferences of your team but individual responses will not be shared with the team leader or other members of your team.

Who created this assessment?

This assessment was developed by Ben Sands, executive coach and founder of Sands Leadership. This assessment incorporates 30+ years worth of study on the science of values, the shared experience of leading, values-driven organizations such as Netflix, Amazon and Starbucks, as well as Sands’ client work over the past decade.

How is this different from other “personality tests”?

Simply put, it's more useful. Tests such as Myers-Briggs, Strengths Finder, DISC, Birkman, etc. are based upon values. What makes the Core Values Project more useful is that 1) the results are easier to understand and share and 2) it’s relevant to both your professional AND personal life.

Can I use this as a leader development tool?

Absolutely. This tool is a powerful addition to any training and development curriculum. We can even provide customized reports that map the distribution of values across teams and organizations. For more information email: For more information on Breakthrough click here